Field Trips & Special Events

We have the following locations for members to gather to socialize and discuss topics of interest, as well as field trips and special occasions:

  • Sunday morning breakfast   8:00 at Frankie’s Modern Diner at the corner of Government and Courtney streets
  • Summer and Winter Solstice parties plus a late summer party
  • Organized field trips and tours with experts on a number of subject areas in Greater Victoria and nearby areas

All events are listed on the VSHA website, and specific email notices are sent to all persons on our contacts list. Also look for notices via Facebook.

Nota bene: All VSHA tours and field trips are subject to vagaries in weather, and other conditions, closer to the times of the activities. There will be both a minimum and a maximum number of participants, on a first-come, first-served basis. Preference will initially be for VSHA members, and then their friends or other interested parties. A waiver for the field trip will be required. Nutritional preferences are an essential aspect of our planning.

We welcome ideas for additional VSHA tours or field trips, and your assistance in organizing them. 

Thor Henrich.

VSHA, Field Trip Coordinator