Welcome to the EH! Committee!
The Eco-Humanist! (EH) Committee was established in 2019 in light of the significant scientific findings that indicated an increasing risk of planetary life extinction as a result of severe climate change. Members of the EH! committee are encouraged to develop and implement projects that educate about the future of the environment which will help mitigate the impacts of the possible serious changes that are predicted. Two EH! committee members have had informative articles published, and new projects will soon be started. The committee distributes information encouraging governments and industries to adopt environmentally friendly technologies and practices. The EH! is affiliated with WE-CAN environment network.
WHAT IS ECO-HUMANISM: Eco-Humanism is a secular & ethical movement for the protection & conservation of natural ecosystems.
OUR MANDATE: The purpose of the Environmental Action Committee (EAC) is to identify specific projects to be undertaken related to environmental issues of importance to Humanists in accordance with established VSHA Principles.
PROJECTS: The EAC will develop a prioritized list of projects to be presented to the VSHA Board for approval. Individual projects will be defined to include Statements of Objectives, Principle Activities to be undertaken, Anticipated outcomes, Reports of progress to the VSHA Board, and Budget Requirements. Individual project proposals will be reviewed by the Committee and referred to the VSHA Board for approval.
Project Teams will consist of a Project Leader and members who wish to join the team. The Project Leader will be responsible for developing the Project requirements, providing direction to the Project Team, and reporting to the EAC Chair.
NOTE: If you want to start a project of your own or if you want to help with any of our current projects please contact: Communications@VSHA.ca outlining your request and it will be forwarded to the appropriate Project Leader or the EH EAC Chair.
Alternative Energy for BC: Evidence-Based Promotion of Alternative Energy Sources for BC to replace Fossil Fuel Use
Plant the Best Tree: the choice of the non-invasive strain of Empress (Paulownia elongata) to be planted on public lands with attendant explanation of advantages in its much greater carbon uptake (and its nitrogen fixation).
The Precautionary Principle: Given that the precautionary principle is vital to all environmental projects, it is essential that there is an agreed to accurate federal definition of the precautionary which corresponds to the international principle and that it is fairly applied
1. finding working methods to transform a Non-sustainable Economy into Sustainable Humanity by full integration with a Sustainable Environment.
Raising Moral Awareness: to stop and prevent Anthropogenic Climate Change from destroying modern civilization by:
2. utilizing to the principles of Science to find solutions to the Climate Crisis.
3. Using the principles of science to establish a moral stance regarding true sustainability.
Fossil Fuel Subsidies: To eliminate all government subsidies to companies related to the fossil fuel industries by promoting public awareness of fossil fuel subsidies.