How to Win on Climate Change

VSHA Speaker Series 
Free** And Open To All! 

(and how we are already winning)
 Mitchell Beer
  It’s easy enough to fall into a pit of despair over the climate emergency. Especially because, if you read the news or conduct a five-minute Google search, there’s more than enough evidence to tell us that all is lost.
Except that that’s just half of the story. There’s no question that we have a lot of ground to cover in very little time to avert the worst impacts of climate change. But in recent years, the momentum has shifted, the wins have begun piling up, and for the first time, we’re starting to see some legitimate, green chutes of something that might just look like…hope.
The win is by no means guaranteed, and as long as we’re still in this fight, we have a lot of work ahead of us. But that means it’s time to double down on anything we’re doing that can make a difference—and that the only way to guarantee we lose this battle of our lifetimes is to assume it’s already lost.

   For the last decade, Mitchell Beer has been publisher of The Energy Mix, a non-profit community news site and e-digest    

series on climate change, energy, and the shift off carbon. He traces his background in energy alternatives to 1977, in climate change to 1997, and once had a colleague accuse him of being a “‘glass half-full’ kind of guy”. In this talk, he’ll combine a hard-edged and up-to-the-minute look at the crisis we face with the reasons for optimism, the pathways to scale up those solutions, and the practical steps we can all take to help build the structural change we need.

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
Cook Street Activity Center
380 Cook St. (Cook St. Village), Victoria
Free Parking
Please Use The Side Entrance

Coffee/Tea nearby at The Mocha House – BYO! 

Important note: We are obliged to lock the outside door at 7:05 pm for security purposes.  Please don’t be late!!

See you there!  Bring a friend or two.
                             **Donations gratefully accepted
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