VSHA Field Trip, Sunday May 3 (10 AM to 4 PM)
Geology of Southern Vancouver Island in Greater Victoria area.
Leader: Chris Yorath
Sign up sheet (limit 20 people); contact Al Wiseley 250-472-1490; groaspl@gmail.com
A group of 20 maximum participants will require six hours to visit each of six sites to view surficial geology and evidence for geological processes the area has been subject to in the past few hundred million years. Our group will meet at J.J. Morgan’s restaurant at University Heights at 0915 hrs to combine into 4-6 vehicles for the day’s travel. Leave promptly at 0930 toward first stop at Island View Beach to assemble at 1000 with our guide. Next stops in order include Cordova Bay, Cattle Point, Finlayson Point, Metchosin gravel deposits, and Tower Point. Ends at 1600 hrs (4PM). Bring a lunch and dress warmly, with good footwear or test our altruism.