
Welcome to our website!

Are you a Humanist in Victoria?

Humanism embodies a philosophical and ethical perspective that centers on the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, emphasizing rational thought, compassion, and a commitment to the betterment of society. Humanism celebrates the power of reason, critical thinking, and empirical inquiry as essential tools for understanding the world and addressing its challenges. 

Rejecting dogma and superstition, Humanism promotes a secular outlook that seeks to foster human potential, social justice, and human rights, while also emphasizing the importance of ethical principles and empathy in guiding interactions among individuals and communities. 

If you see yourself agreeing with the values expressed above, you are a Humanist! Welcome!

The VSHA is an affiliate of Humanist Canada and has been in continuous operation for over 70 years making it the oldest Humanist Association in Canada. Our principles have guided us in our efforts to provide support for those who have rejected religious mysticism in favour of rational thought using science and logic as a way of seeking truth.

Our free educational events focus on learning about and acting on the human condition which can be philosophical, political, or environmental. Over the years, the VSHA has produced hundreds of events from presentations by influential speakers and open discussion groups, to educational group outings and casual meet-ups. We also have a strong presence fighting for action on climate change because saving our species entails saving the planet.  Our Eco-Humanist committee is hard at work! 

Please peruse our website to discover more about us, and then let us put your email address on our contact list so that you can receive notices about our upcoming events.

  • Can NAFTA Survive Another Trump Presidency?

    The Humanist Cafe Episode #328Discussion Forum Free* And Open To All!  Wednesday, January 8, 2024 – 7:00-8:30 pm Cook Street Activity Center380 Cook St. (Cook St. Village), VictoriaFree parking and street parking Please Use The Side Entrance Purchase Coffee/Tea nearby at The Moka House – BYO mug!  Presenter:  Vanessa Hammond ** Moderator:  John Pope Vanessa writes:…

Contact Us

Contact Form Demo (#3)

We engage in a variety of regular activities which are free and open to the public. These include:

Humanist Talks – formal presentations by notable speakers.

Click on the button below to see all VSHA talks

Humanist Talks

Humanist Cafes – moderated discussion groups on a variety of topics.

Click on the button below to see all VSHA cafes

Humanist Cafe

In addition, we have Sunday Breakfast at Frankies Modern Diner plus occasional field Trips and celebrations. We welcome guests, so if you’re curious come to one of our events!

Field trips – Activities of interest

Field Trips

Special events – parties and gatherings

Special Events

VSHA Newsletters

VSHA Newsletter

VSHA Submissions

Submissions & Letters